Tuesday, 27 March 2012

How Writing A List And Keeping It Handy Can Help You Remember

Our memory is something we never want to lose. It is possible to prevent memory loss with a few simple steps. By being educated about memory loss and ways to prevent it, you will save yourself agony later in life. You can never start too early with memory loss prevention. This article will give you plenty of tips on how to prevent memory loss.

Remember that you are a lifelong learner, even after you are officially done with school. When you stop acquiring new knowledge, you stop utilizing the part of your brain that aids in memory. If that portion of your brain has not been exercised regularly, it will be difficult to remember things.

One way to improve memory is by building a "memory tree." First, focus on the big subjects that you are trying to remember. Important details will form the limbs branching off of this core concept that represents the trunk of the tree. The smaller details and examples represent the leaves to each branch. Organizing the relative importance of information can help you remember details better.

Although memories become less sharp as we grow older, there are many ways to keep your memory strong. To aid this process, it is important to get enough sleep, get regular exercise, eat a healthy diet and keep your brain stimulated. This can be done with various activities such as games, crosswords and reading. And don't forget to enjoy life, laugh a lot and keep stress to a minimum!

One of the most important tactics for improving your memory is to always pay attention to your surroundings. When new information is presented to you, then picture it in your mind how it's spelled. Another good way to remember someone's name is to ask if there's a variation in the way they spell their name. For example, ask, "Is that Christy with an I or a Y?" Then, repeat what you learn to improve the chance that you will remember it. Address her by name whenever you ask her a question to help commit it to memory.

Mnemonic devices can help you recall important pieces of information. Mnemonic devices are basically a word association that helps you remember and recall information. As an example, names are hard to remember, but if you associate a new persons name with a product or character that is easy for you to remember can give you the clues you need later to figure it out.

If you'd like to give your memory a boost, make an effort to laugh more often and to regularly listen to jokes. Hearing jokes encourages you to think of potential punch lines, which activates the area of your brain responsible for learning and being creative. Start laughing, or act like a clown, to assist others with bettering their brain too.

Link bits of information together in your mind by constructing a memory chain to facilitate learning. You can link together related facts or even link relevant material with completely irrelevant material. For instance, if a chemistry student needs to memorize the periodic table symbol for lead (Pb), he can link it to panda bears for maximum recall ability. This connection is bizarre, and that makes it easy to remember.

Recovering lost memories is not possible in all cases, but it is worth a try. But by following the tips laid out in this article, you can be sure that you are always holding on to the new memories you make. Learn about how to keep your memory strong and use these tips.


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